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Facilitating an Online Session in the Theta Brain Wave State to Assist in YOU Healing YOU


Inner Aspect Healing provides the service of facilitating an online metaphysical hypnosis session in the Theta brain wave state to help you heal you.  If you are experiencing any kind of aliment including a physical condition or sickness, or negative thought patterns or emotions, or phobias or addictions, or simply stress - a healing session in a deep relaxed Theta brain wave state may assist in acknowledging and addressing what is ready to heal.  Unlike other coaching or guided sessions that tell you what to do to heal, an Inner Aspect Healing session solely facilitates you healing the parts of you that are ready to heal.  The healing comes from withIN YOU.


In each facilitated session, your true and authentic Inner Self (also known as your Advance Subconscious, Higher Self, or Holy Spirit) is asked to come through to communicate.  Your Inner Self comes from withIN you, and is connected to Source/God/Great Spirit outside this existence.  It is not from the external (not from people, or perceived guides, or 'higher' beings, or voices in your head).  The Inner Self is the part of your aspect that is positive, loving, and all knowing.  It is always with you, and can be easily accessed in the Theta brain wave state.  The Inner Self won't let any harm come to you in a session, and will only bring forward what you are ready to hear, experience, and heal. 

At the beginning of a session, in the Theta brain wave state, you will scan your physical and energetic body for any sensations or discomfort or negative thoughtforms, which are emotions and foreign energies that may not be for your greatest good.  This may shock you but foreign energies include entities, earthbound spirits, and artificial intelligence that are prevalent in our existence.  Detaching, unplugging, making them inert and/or freeing them can assist in healing aliments and conditions. We all have life experiences, challenges, and traumas that have resulted in emotions and energies that may need clearing and healing.  An Inner Aspect Healing session is a modality that facilitates you and your Inner Self healing you.  Trauma isn't what happens to us, it is how our body, mind, and spirit react and hold on to emotions and energies.


After you have had an initial session of clearing and healing, additional sessions may focus on the viewing of events in this life experience or other life experiences (sometimes termed 'past life regression').  The information gained during 'past life regression' may shed light on additional health issues, or why certain people, places and situations are part of your current life.  You viewing and acknowledging different life experiences may also assist you in healing.  


At the end of each session, you can ask the Inner Self questions you would like answered.

 Please click on the buttons below to read more about what a session entails, and to view the requirements before scheduling an online session.  An Inner Aspect Healing session isn't for everyone, so please read more to know what to expect. 

Thank you for your interest.


as·​pect ˈa-ˌspekt 

  1. part; feature; phase

  2. nature; quality; character

  3. appearance to the eye or mind

  4. a way in which a thing may be viewed or regarded; interpretation; perception

  5. bearing; direction of the slope of a mountain face, also known as exposure

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